Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Messiah of Kerala !!!

I would like to say sorry to all my comrades that due to many reasons, some too personal, that i was not blogging for quite a long time. my sincere regrets. no more questions :).

Finally the elections in kerala got over and obviously Trivandrum got a lot of attention due to the candidature of Shashi Tharoor. Young voters, IT professionals and tech enthusiasts, many of those who usually abstain from voting , went to polling booths this time mainly because of Shashi Tharoor. Well, this is a change that we need but this came for all the bad reasons.

In India, Topics that usually revolve during election time are Youth, Women and Caste (who cares Development during election time ??? ). We can leave the caste issue. Now comes Youth and Women. Just because a guy is 39 Yrs doesnt means that he will work for youth. Similiar is the case with Women. For an instance, Congress was in power for last 5 years and Madam Sonia Gandhi was the shadow Prime Minister. What did she do for Indian Women ??? What did Rahul Gandi did for the Youth in India. He had initiated just one question during his last 5 years in parliament. Compare this to the inumerous problems being faced by Indian Youth.

Now coming back to Trivandrum, I dont frankly believe that just because a person blogs/twitters/podcasts, he can resue the Youth of Kerala. May be a person in 50s who wouldnt have heard of twitter,blogs could do more. I dont have an exact answer to it. Shashi Tharoor was UN under secretary for a number of years. But i was not able to find the number of time he visited India during his tenure. Yes, towards the end of his tenure he visited India for pushing his candidature for UN Secretary General. When he lost it, he started spending time in India, keeping an eye of the general elections. He started waiting for hours in raliway stations to receive Madam Sonia Gandhi whenever she was visiting Keralas villages. Such a pathetic situation to a former UN under secretary !!!

If he is such a straight forwards as he claims, he should have contested as a independant and then should have tried to mobilise the voters rather than joining the Grand old political which is almost synonymn with corruption . For all those guys who thinks he is going to be the next messiah in Indian Politics , let GOD bless them.

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