Friday, September 10, 2010

Startup Paradox

Recently there has been a surge of activities in the startup space. Many a technical guys joined this bandwagon and outputed exciting products that can have far reaching results, say the founders. At the end of product development life cycle they heard one word which started annoying them - MARKETING. The viral success of google have made them think in the other way. But then how many of these product do we have to access just like our dependency on google.

But now everyone starts developing a product which the founders may not find useful but for them, the product can help others. If you cant find a use of your product, how can you become confident on the product. Unless you become confident, how can you convince end users.

India may be the IT outsourcing hub of the world. Ironically it can be the non-IT startups that can propel India to the the startup capital of the World.

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